Hello. Thanks for stopping by.
I hear a lot of people say excuse. excuse, excuse no money, excuse, excuse, excuse it's a scam well,
I get it, but if you really want to change your life there is a way.
To get past the money I needed. When I saw Livegood I was really excited I loved what I saw. but I did not have the $50.00. all I had $7.48. But I wanted to join so bad I just knew it was the business I wanted. They had a lot to offer. I could work from home, have my own hours, and get a discount on some organic products. I read lots of reviews and When I saw a homeless guy was able to change his life, I was really sold.
So I am a member of Survey Junkie and I started doing 2 or 3 surveys a day I really don't like surveys and I knew that was not going to be enough so I had a yard sale and made the money I needed to join.
I joined right after my yard sale. I know it takes time to build a business It does not matter what you are doing. Where there is a will there is a way.
Now I was listening to a lot of people say oh build a list and do this and that and they were just making it really hard. I don't want hard.
So I went to our members-only Facebook group and found an easier way to market and now I'm getting tons of contacts.
I got in with the(( Free to join )) Job Free Team through my sponsor and they have just been wonderful lots of help, tips, and tricks, free Zoom webinars every week with updates on the company, new products coming, and training tips from Upline. I'v been around the internet block for many years and I have never seen a company like this that actually helps the little guy get healthy and earn.
Now How can Livegood a be scam? I don't think so.
Livegood is a wholesale club similar to Cosco, Amazon Prime, and Netflix. you pay a monthly fee to the club of only $9.95 a month and that gives you a huge discount on products there are other options too. Like yearly, and they also provide a way to make money. Yes, they charge a $40.00 one-time affiliate fee. but there is no auto-ship and there is no mandatory purchase of the products. and lots more I really don't want to list everything. you'll have to go check out the Free Tour.
How can it be a scam, When 700,000 active members have joined. and are getting paid.
How can it be a scam when you get the products you order and have hundreds of great reviews?
How can it be a scam when the CEO shows their faces every single week? on live Zooms?
How can it be a scam when surprise you just got a deposit in your bank account?
I don't know about you but this company has been a game-changer for me
So If you want to change Get Started Now
Have a great day with much success